Best Premature Ejaculation Treatment


"Everything in life is good to achieve quickly and before time, except orgasm!"


Premature ejaculation (PE) happens when a man ejaculates sooner through sexual intercourse than normal required time. Premature ejaculation is a common sexual complaint. As several as 1 out of 3 men say they feel this problem at some moment. As long as it occurs infrequently, it does not cause for concern.

Indicative criteria for early ejaculation if you: Always or nearly always ejaculate within one minute of penetration.

Are unable to delay ejaculation during intercourse all or nearly all of the time, Feel distressed and frustrated, and tend to avoid sexual intimacy as a result, Both psychological and biological factors can play a role in premature ejaculation. Although many men feel embarrassed to talk about it, premature ejaculation is a common and treatable condition. Medications, counselling that delay ejaculation — or a combination of these — can help improve sex for you and your partner.


Local hypersensitivity of glans.

Constitutionally many individuals are known to react fast, sexually.

Previous history of masturbation where one is habituated to masturbate to quickly to orgasm; and, then it becomes a self repetitive response pattern in any sexual encounter, too.

Lack of stamina and fitness. Including due to overweight, hypertension and cardiac disorders.

Stress and hurried nature.

Relationship problems.

Erectile dysfunction.

Reactions of certain medications.
