Best Treatment for Performance Anxiety

Best Treatment for performance anxiety in jaipur

“You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.”


Any problem in erection or condition of premature ejaculation, or even an occasional failure to do proper love making, is perceived a s a blot to manhood!

This triggers severe performance pressure and performance anxiety in many men. During their foreplay, instead of being spontaneous and sensuous, they tend to become conscious and nervous. This further takes away their arousal and creates more problem with erection. This escalates anxiety.

Thus a vicious circle develops.

And, ultimately men start avoiding – thus enters ‘avoidance phase or avoidance behavior’! On other hand the partner also undergoes her misery.

Initially she is supportive and keeps patience. But when repeatedly finding herself left high and dry and finding the male partner getting disappointed and embarrassed, ultimately she also suppresses her desire or looses interest.
And, as a couple the romance takes back foot and the chemistry goes downhill spiral. Ultimately they loose hope and become frustrated and depressed.

There is a classical way to come out of this state and rekindle love, romance and passion. Couple can very soon experience spontaneity and sensuality. And, experience fulfilling sex life.
We have specialized and innovated couple therapy solutions and Remedies to overcome anxiety and build sexual confidence.