Pre-marriage Counselling

Pre-marriage Counselling

"Lover don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along"


Why Pre Marriage Counselling?

We take for granted, the Relationship, Love and Sex life; in fact, entire institution of Marriage!

Result: Often unwanted compromised marriages, marital discord, depression, sexual dissatisfaction, extra marital affairs, divorces and so forth. All preventable, though!

An Enriched Marriage: Love, Harmony, Sexual fulfilment, Family Peace and growth together, are the desired outcome of a Happy Marriage! What initiates the couple on this beautiful path is the early and strong foundation in concepts of Marriage, Relationship, Sexuality. And that’s what is the need of hour, i.e. Pre Marriage Counselling.

How about preparing young couples for the entire journey of marriage life? Pre marriage Counselling is one which helps couple celebrate their Marriage Life, beyond the celebration of the wedding day!

Unconsummated Marriage

Married yet virgin, for a reason!

Its not surprising that hundreds of couples have received successful guidance from us for their difficulty of consummation i.e. inability to do peno vaginal penetrative intercourse. We get couple straight from honeymoon on one hand where as many come after one, three, five, ten or even more years of marriage, unconsummated.

The reasons for non consummation can be Male factors, female factors, Position – posture – movement factors. Often its a combination of all three categories of factors. We have pioneered the ways to evaluate such a situation and guide the often discouraged, demoralized couple to a smooth and pleasurable start of their sex life.